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NT Health Living Expenses & Meal and Entertainment Cards

There are some real benefits to working for NT Health. You may be eligible to salary package your everyday living expenses such as bills, travel, holiday accommodation, dining out, venue hire and more with your pre-tax salary, which in turn increases the amount you take home each pay day.

Calculate my savingsFAQs

What benefits can I salary package?

Living Expenses Card

  • Insurance (home, life, car, health)
  • Groceries
  • Electricity/Gas bills
  • Phone/Internet
  • Travel
  • Airline Tickets
  • School Fees and much more

Meal and Entertainment Card

  • Meals when dining out
  • Food and beverages
  • Events Venue hire
  • Holiday accommodation
  • You can also pay for your family and friends

Why Salary Packaging Australia?

Salary Packaging Australia are the specialists in outsourced Salary Packaging for employers right across the country.

Our team handle everything for both you and your employer. It’s a ‘win-win’ for everyone.

Thousands of Australian remote & regional workers love salary packaging through us

Getting into the details

Living Expenses Card FAQs

What is a Salary Packaging Living Expenses Card?

Our SPA Card is a living expenses card which allows employees to easily pay for various items under their applicable Fringe Benefits Tax cap. This is used similarly to a normal debit card but using pre-tax dollars! This is a simple and easy way for employees to pay for their salary packaged items.

What are considered living expenses?

Living expenses are everyday expenses that are incurred by you or your family such as electricity and phone bills, council rates, groceries, household expenses, clothing and shoes, and private travel (domestic and overseas).

How do I make payments from my Salary Packaging Expenses Card?

You can use your card with Tan & go, or insert the chip and pay using your PIN. You can also use it when paying third parties and to do so, simply use your 16 digit card number to make the transaction.

NB: No other funds can be transferred to your salary packaging cards, other than those predetermined and agreed upon by your Salary Packaging Administrator and your payroll officers.

Does my balance need to be zero at the end of the FBT year?

It is recommended that you have zero balance at the end of the FBT year (March 31). This means that you are eligible to salary package the full benefit amount in the following year. Please contact SPA for further details. We can also assist you in spending remaining funds on your card.

How do I check my balance?

You can access your general living expenses by accessing internet banking.

Where can I use my Salary Packaging Expenses Card?

The card can be used at any grocery store, restaurant, electronics store, florist, you name it! As long as the expenses remain within the allocated amount, spend away!

Can I use it online?

Yes! You can use it for online purchases in any capacity.

Is there a minimum spend per transaction?

No. You can use the card for as little or as much as you want. The card will be subject to EFTPOS minimums if enforced at particular stores or restaurants.

What will happen when/if I leave my job?

From the date of your termination, you will have a certain period of days to spend the funds on your card.

Meal and Entertainment Card FAQs

What is a meal and entertainment card?

Meal and entertainment cards are available to employers that qualify as not-for-profit (an entity set up for the benefit of members, e.g. a Government Health Department) or a Public Benevolent Institution (charity for tax purposes, e.g. Royal flying doctor service).

How much can an employee save each year?

In actual dollar terms, the employee can package $2650 per annum. This can be spent on meals, accommodation and function hire using pre-tax dollars. Any employee of a qualified employer can access the meal and entertainment card.

So, it’s an actual legal benefit offered to employees and is approved by the ATO?

Yes. There are rules around how much can be used, who qualifies to use the card and most importantly rigid ATO reporting requirements, but if your employer’s status qualifies for this approved tax benefit then the employees can access the tax savings.

Why would an employer choose to offer this benefit to staff?

Being able to provide $2650 of an employee’s salary in a tax-free method means the employee is financially better off. At a 30% tax rate, the tax saving is $795. Salary Packaging Australia can provide this benefit to employers at no cost.

Who else can use this benefit? Is it all just about dining out or can I use it in other ways?

The card can be used for:

  • Venue hire
    • Events such as 21st birthdays or engagements fall within the definition.
  • Holiday accommodation
    • From a five-star resort to a caravan park, almost anything satisfies the accommodation rule
    • That ship cruise you always wanted to go on.
  • Meals
    • Café, restaurant or hotel satisfy the criteria
  • Food and Beverages
    • Consumed at special occasions such as weddings and birthdays also satisfies the criteria.
  • Family and Friends
    • They can be included in the above expenditure

But as we know with any tax legislation the rules must be followed, therefore you cannot include:

  • Takeaway food or bottle shop purchases
  • Regular groceries
  • Hiring outside of meal and venue hire e.g. an Elvis impersonator
  • Movies or musicals
  • Flights to and from your five-star resort.

Does this mean that my annual holiday just got cheaper? Could I use it to go overseas or is it for domestic travel only?

Yes, your annual holiday can be paid in tax-free dollars. You can use the benefit overseas but be mindful of any additional costs due to currency exchange.

Is this too good to be true?

The meal and entertainment benefit accrues to employers that either have a not for profit status or qualify as a charitable organisation. Due to these classifications, the tax system allows the employer to add value and incentive to their employee’s wages. This adding value is achieved by using the Fringe Benefits Tax legislation. The reality is that the tax system allows it and therefore the employee is within their rights to exercise the benefit.

What about my HECS and HELP repayments?

The $2650 benefit is reportable. This means that a reportable fringe benefit will appear on your group certificate in the amount of $5000. You will not pay tax on this $5000 but it will increase your assessable income. This may impact on your repayment of the debt. We suggest you contact your financial advisor for advice where required.

Salary Packaging with SPA’s Debit Cards Fact Sheet

For PBI Hospitals and Charitable Organisations

Our Contact Details

L4, 66 Smith Street
Darwin NT 0800
PH: 08 8911 7700

Jarred Shields  – NT Business Relationship Manager
M: 0407 635 198

Have any questions or need to learn more?

* This calculator contains general information and does not necessarily take all of your personal circumstances into account. Salary Packaging Australia encourages you to seek professional, independent tax or financial advice and to consider whether this information is right for you before making a decision. The availability of any packaging benefit is subject to your employer’s approval and compliance with the Australian Income Tax Assessment Act (1997). The Australian Taxation Office can provide advice on compliance.

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